Monday, December 29, 2008

Finally!! A Post!

So this has been the busiest semester of our collective lives, hence the time laps in updating our blog.  Brady and I are both taking graduate classes, Brady is working, I am doing my internship (which is like working without the ever so needed pay), and we both are juggling Crew back and forth in order to avoid day care.  Needless to say this Christmas break was needed and highly anticipated. 

This was the first Christmas since we've been married that we stayed home.  I was really excited to be home and start our own traditions and just have a christmas morning in our own place.  It was great! There is nothing like a Christmas morning with a two year old.  Crew was so excited and he loved everything.  Even the socks! He just kept saying, "oh! oh! oh!" when he came into the living room.  That was all I needed.  No present could have been as special as seeing his reaction. 

My parents came up for 7 days and it was so fun to share the holiday with them.  There was lots of cooking, eating, and even more movie watching.  On christmas day we watched roughly 5 movies! We could have probably fit another movie in too if we weren't talking to family on the phone for so long.  

Since my parents were here we got to talk to my little sister, Taylor, who is serving a mission in Brazil.  It was so nice to talk to her.  She is one of my closest friends and I can't wait until she gets home this summer!  

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you had a good Christmas!! Loved the slide show!

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