Monday, March 30, 2009

It's a GIRL!!

So we went in for my ultrasound this morning and yup the Ostergaard genes are back in play, it's a girl.  I didn't really realize how much I wanted a boy until she said it was a girl.  But the more I talk to people the more excited I get.  A friend said, "just go shopping for clothes and you'll get excited real fast."  

It's going to be a new change but we're happy.  I am looking forward to putting cute little bows on her head like my mom did for us and like my sister-in-law does so well with our niece Reese.  I couldn't get the ultrasound pictures to load up so I'll have to keep trying.  So I'm putting Reese on display to get me more excited for newborns with bows!


Schmidt Family said...

Yeah for girls!

Brooke said...

Girls Rule, Boys DROOL! (at least mine does!) And if they dont drool, then they swallow rocks and knock their teeth out(my nephew did today) Anyway, Congrats! It was fun getting to see you again. Best of luck with everything.

Mindika said...

I agree with Schmidt Family...Yeah for girls!! Reese will be so excited to have a girl cousin close to her age.

Andria Sommers said...

Congrats on the news. I haven't had a girl,yet, but I have heard really good things about them. :) Hope the pregnancy continues to go well.

empty nester said...

I would have been happy with a boy or girl. However, I will begin shopping for some girl things. Every family needs to have a boy and girl. After Kennedy gets here, it won't matter anymore. We love you and think you are great parents.

The Stoddard's said...

No worries, I felt the same way. When you get that baby girl, she will melt you in one second flat! I'm so excited for you. Hopfully we get to move by you, we would have so much fun!

Unknown said...

Thats so great! You'll have one of each.. boy and girl! I would love to have a girl.. someday. Right now.. my hands are way too full with two boys. It might just be luck that your having a girl! :)

The Miz said...

Congratulations! You'll definitely have to teach her your dance moves.

lynsey said...

congratulations! i felt the same way when they told me it was a girl, i almost fell of the table. i thought FOR SURE it was a boy & had been so excited for brothers. but you know, it's been a lot of fun to have a little lady around here. i did have to get used to all the pink though! and i'm not one for bows, so she only wears them when she's seen by others. and that's only because she's basically bald so they can tell she's a girl. ;)

Jess and Matt said...

HEY! I did not even know you had a blog until you commented on mine...I am so behind. Congrats on the baby GIRL! That is so exciting. I see how you were so excited for brothers, but this will be awesome and she is going be to SO cute! I am still so bummed I didn't see you when you came. I left right after you got here and was gone the whole week. SO sad! Next time for sure, okay? Anyway, congratulations. I hope everything is going well for you and that you are feeling well and happy. Love ya.

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