Wednesday, August 12, 2009


No luck on being induced earlier than friday, I'm still not dilated much past a 4.  However my midwife called over to the hospital to see if there was a chance of going in early and turns out I have been unofficially BUMPED from friday to sunday! Not the news we wanted or expected.  So the wait continues.... 


The Miz said...

Poor, sad, no inducin, belly. I'm sorry, guess you'll just have to be pregnant forever.
Rebecca A.

Jess and Matt said...

Oh man, I know that must be so frustrating! The last few weeks of pregnancy are TORTURE! I hope that everything goes smoothly for you both and that little cutie pie gets here quick! Good luck!

Mindika said...

I'm frustrated for you Erika! I think that's totally cruel of the doctors to do that to you. I know those last few weeks...days are no fun.

empty nester said...

Who knows, maybe you'll just go into labor and all will be well. We all just want the same thing, a healthy little Kendy and a helthy mom. We love you!!

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