Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas '09

We went to Utah for Christmas this year. It was a nice low key holiday. Crew and Kendi traded of being sick a couple times but it all worked out by the time we drove home, which was nice.
We drove through a Christmas light display in Spanishfork. Crew loves christmas lights so it was a fun drive.
Making sugar cookies with Aunt Mindi.
Cute Bums.
Grandma with Kendi.
Christmas Eve in his new monster pajamas.
Holding up the reindeer mix that Grandma makes every year. It is oatmeal and glitter that attracts Santa's reindeer to our house.
Sprinkling the mix.

My favorite picture of the week. She is such a happy girl.


AJ said...

Oh my goodness. This is SUCH a cute picture! What a doll!

empty nester said...

Thanks for the beautiful grandchildren. Dad and I are truly blessed.

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