Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A mission call, a Baby Blessing and family lov'n

We had a special weekend a while ago and had a lot of loving family to share it with. Many of my sisters and parents were planning on coming up for Syndee's blessing and as fate would have it my parents also brought their UNOPENED mission call to open with all of us around.
They were called to the Prague, Chech Republic Mission as ward support missionaries! This came as a big surprise as most of our guesses were Japan or Hawaii or any where but the Chech Republic. It was really special to be there with them in that moment.

A quick wardrobe change and they are ready to go.

After Sydnee's Blessing. Everyone looks so grouchy. I promise they are a happier bunch than they look.

All the family. Three of my four sisters came and Rachel brought two of her three kids.

We missed you Heidi!

Shoe flare.

Sister lov'n

All day long...

Open mouth kiss, yum!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Syndee now fits into her bumbo and it keeps her happy all day long. It's the only place where she will fall asleep on her own.

And it never gets old



empty nester said...

Thanks for the new pictures. Sure wish we could have been there. My grandkids get cuter all the time.

Unknown said...

Wow! My brother served his mission there!

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